Have you had the chance to watch our newest YouTube video?
We have finally answered the long time debate on which is the superior house hold pet!
…and if pets are not your cup of tea don’t worry next week we will have a brand new video all about our extensive knowledge of Sportsball!
(and by extensive I mean non-existent … but we are learning ⚽🍈)
Envelope of Awesome
Vegetables the Dinosaur has been busy painting this month’s Envelope with Spots and Stripes. Learn to draw the most adorable snow Leopard!
Story Time
Life is finally getting back to normal around here! No more broken bones, bouncy concrete stairs or sick rabbits.
But we did build a Tee Pee and saw a nice duck on a chimney!
Pear Babies
Shout out to Stephanie and Clive for stepping up to the task of cow wrangling this week! No job is ever too much for these fearless Pear babies. I’ve never HERD of two better Pear Babies.
Also they like milkshakes!
We hope you see something as delightful as a duck on a chimney or a Pear Baby in a cow suit this week.
Stay Awesome,
Cass, Simon, Jo, Phe and Vegetables the Dinosaur!