Newsletter of Awesome! - Issue #14
Envelope of Awesome Headquarters:
Envelope of Awesome was out on location for most of this week as it's founding members very much dislike the cold and decided to relocate to the beach and much warmer weather! This cute mermaid agrees!☀
We attempted to draw some whales on the beach with a giant stick! This is how it went... 🐋
Simon set up a fabulous work station in our Glamping Tent and we discovered that the word Glamping is a really fun word to say. (go on give it a go... "GLAM-PING!")⛺
Simon has been drawing himself from a time when his beard wasn't actually white. I think he was around 6 years old! 😂
What Vegetables has been up to:
Vegetable also came to the beach and made friends with a very hospitable Octopus named OZY! Who loves peanut butter sandwiches and watching Kath & Kim reruns.
Pear Baby of the week:
Keeping with our beach theme we would like to acknowledge Pear Baby Jakee. He attempted to help us fit into the surfer lifestyle. He did this by mostly by teaching us phrases like "gnarly" and "Stoked"! And also "Super-stoked!". and if you're really excited... "MEGA-STOKED!" or "Stoked to the max!" ... Jake is such a Gnarly dude!
Streatfeild Family Adventures:
We started this week's adventures with a visit to our amazing friend/the twins Art Teacher's Exhibition! She is one of the most beautiful people we know and you should all go and check out her amazing art on her Instagram!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥
Incase you missed it we ventured to the beach and made a super fun video about it!
We took the twins to the Zoo! Every time we've been to the zoo they have had the most amazing up close animal experiences. All of my memories of visiting zoos as a kid are of empty enclosures and the odd animal sleeping... just out of view!
Jo and Phe have started their own comic book series with one of their friends from school! It's adorable and I'm sure they are going to take over the creative world one day!
Until next time, we hope your week is full of Gnarly Sunshine, Red Pandas and Friendly Octopuses.
Be kind, get stoked! and stay ⭐AWESOME⭐!
Simon, Cassie, Phe, Jo and Vegetables the Dinosaur