Newsletter of Awesome! - Issue #2
What we've been up to...
Simon has built and maintained a strong and somewhat one sided relationship to his new selfie ring light!
We found and drew a majestic mermaid in the Yass River (Link to video)
We posted out hundreds of super awesome Easter Envelopes making your mailbox Egg-celent just in time for the big day!
This elephant is insisting that his presence is necessary not only in the newsletter but also in next month's Envelope. He would also like to inform you that he enjoys folk dancing and likes embroidering on the weekends.
What Vegetables has been up to...
Vegetable was inspired by our next month's Envelope and has taken up a career as a tour guide. While he is very enthusiastic he has a terrible sense of direction…
Pear Baby of the week
This week we would like to give a little shout out to Pear Baby Bob! Bob has successfully increased this month's Envelope’s cuteness level by 8600% ! What an achievement! Well done Bob.
Streatfeild Family Adventures
We finished Reading the third Harry Potter Book "The Prisoner of Azkaban" and watched the movie for the first time with the girls We are delighted to inform you that we have two new Potterheads in the Streatfeild Family.
We discovered that while the Twins and Cass are all proud Gryffindors…Simon is in Jo’s words “such a HufflePuff!” What house are you in?
We babysat or "bunnysat" Monty Von Fluffy Pants and he was gracious enough to star in another Envelope of Awesome video. (video link)
And finally…at long last the RONA got us with the twins testing positive on Monday. We are currently on day 4 of our week of Isolation and “EVERYTHING IS FINE!” Please see this video for visual evidence of our intact and very firm, solid and stable sanity.
Until next time we hope your week is full of fairy floss, bean bags and double rainbows…
Be kind, be curious and stay ⭐AWESOME⭐!
Simon, Cassie, Phe, Jo and Vegetables the Dinosaur